Thursday, February 1, 2007

Escape Velocity and THX 1138

It came as a suprise to me that the reading, Escape Velocity, was written in 1995 as the beginning of the internet revolution was taking place. Almost all of Mark Dery's notions and idea's are right on with what has emerged from what he calls a "techno-eschatology" What struck me most when trying to compare his writing to the film THX 1138, was the notion of televangelism, though not expressly written in that term. What he writes is actually an idea by John Winthrop which states that "Where Christian teleology, free-market visions of boundless expansion, and an abiding faith in technology have intertwined in a secular theology." While i was barely a teenager when this was written, it seems to me almost prophetic. As with George Lucas's vision, and maybe even Orwell, the idea that technology will eventually be so intertwined with human life, consumption, growth, and prosperity, that we will be so dependent on it that it will become an unhealthy, if not dangerous, fixiation and addiction. Our society in America at this point in time is based on the need to advance technologically while at the same time consume and commodify anything and everything to the point where the original purpose of technological advancement (i.e. medicine, food prodution) has been lost and forgotten. We are truely living in a time where we have lost where we came from, and the only way we are going to remember our current lives in the future will be through the lens of a video camera.

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