Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Total Recall

Again, this was the first time I'd seen the movie and again, I was very impressed. As of last week I had not seen an Arnold movie that I enjoyed (sorry all you Terminator and Jingle all the Way fans), however Total Recall was less of an Arnold movie and more a just plain mind intriguing movie. It was great. I love films that make you so uncertain of what's going on that it's entertaining, like Memento and Reservoir Dogs. The fact that throughout the entire movie, the audience was forced to question whether Quaid was in a dream or actually experiencing this secret agent lifestyle is amazing. The writing was superb. When this film was made, virtual reality was in its infancy and that its possibilities were endless, and I suppose still are. Total Recall explored the doors that virtual reality has opened: alternate realities, false memories, etc. I am upset that this was the first time I'm seen this film, I wish I had seen it long ago so that I could have re-watched it a hundred times so I could figure out exactly what happened. To be honest, even after class discussions, I still have a hard time believing that from the second Quaid entered Rekall that he was in a dream. Regardless, I foung this movie thought provoking and extremely entertaining. Bravo Arnold.

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