Monday, April 30, 2007

The Truman Show

Honestly, this is one of the most creative, creepy, funny, just plain excellent movies I have ever seen. The Truman Show tackles the issue of how far is too far in reality television as well as exploring the idea of individualism (much like many of the other films we've watched this semester). First off, Jim Carrey is fantastic in the role of Truman, playing the perfect unassuming victim in the ultimate reality show. It really makes the viewer take a step back and look at their lives. It sounds corny, but the film really makes you think about whether or not something like that is actually possible. Who knows. Regardless, the film was great and I loved the concept. The film had all the aspects of the other films we watched, like the protagonist searching to find the reality of his/her surroundings while at the same time, the antagonist is vehemently striving to keep the protagonist in the state of confusion. I thought it was simply great.

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